Grant Eligibility

Ready to Get Started?

Ok, so you have an engagement experience in mind, and you know you need funding to make it happen. What now?

You’re eligible to apply for an SEN Grant if you are:

  • A currently enrolled undergraduate student from any Penn State campus. 
  • In good academic and disciplinary standing with the University.
  • (If applying for summer funding) enrolled in summer courses or registered for the following fall.

Yes? Then let’s get started.

People talking on bench

2023-2024 SEN Grant Timeline

Students have the opportunity to apply for a grant and complete an experience three times each year, in the fall, spring, and summer. We refer to these as “cycles.” Apply for funding during the same cycle you want to complete your experience.

Fall 2023

August 14–Application opens

September 4–Application closes

Week of September 11–Applicants are notified of the decision and receive further instructions

January 12–All experiences should be complete for this grant cycle

Spring 2024

November 17–Application opens

December 17–Application closes

Week of January 8–Applicants are notified of the decision and receive further instructions

May 31–All experiences should be complete for this grant cycle

Summer 2024

February 26–Application opens

March 17–Application closes

Week of April 1–Applicants are notified of the decision and receive further instructions

August 15–All experiences should be complete for this grant cycle

Application Tip:

In the “Growth Areas” section, you’ll reflect on how your experience can transform you as a student, citizen, leader, or future working professional. Express in detail how you will use your experience to grow and transform. The more genuine, the better.

Special Programs

Special opportunities exist for interested students. Reach out to discuss these program areas.

Application Tip:

In the “Impact Statement” section of the application, you’ll explain how your experience will impact you, your peers, your campus, your community, or society at large. Some experiences may even have national or global impact! It’s amazing to consider the possibilities.