Download the Engagement App


The Engagement App is a University-wide platform that connects students with the wide range of engagement experiences available to you at Penn State.


Screen shot of student engagement app on mobile device.

Students Impacted

Embrace the engagement mindset!

As a student, you can…

  • Find Your Why (Create a vision)
  • Start Your Journey (Plan experiences)
  • Launch Your Pathway (Try stuff!)
  • Tell Your Story (Create artifacts)
  • Take it with You (Impact others and grow)

With the app, you can…

  • Search through available opportunities and discover what matters to you.
  • Connect with students, faculty, and staff from each Penn State campus.
  • See what’s happening in the Penn State community.
  • Get the support you need to accomplish your goals, no matter where you are on your Penn State journey.
Download the App
Scan with your mobile device to get the app

Download or Log In here.

Start using the Engagement App today!

Features of the App

With the Engagement App’s robust features, there are so many ways to stay connected to the people and experiences at Penn State that you care about. With the app you can…

  • Share news, opportunities, photos, and videos with your network — or the entire Penn State community
  • Set personal goals and get connected to resources that support your success with the Path Builder
  • Find, follow, and interact with student organizations or academic colleges that fit your interests
  • Promote your own student organization and grow your following
  • Search for events and link them to your calendar
  • Discover and keep track of opportunities for internships, study abroad or away, undergraduate research, and volunteering — and learn how to apply
  • Explore new groups and connect with other students who share your interests — at your campus and across Penn State

Join the 28,000+ Penn State students who have already downloaded the app!


More than 13,000 experiences and events have been added to the app. A number that's growing every day.